1. Bmw f20 navigation – navigation is very important in every auto. BMW has created their own direction-finding which is devoted to BMW’s consumers. Thanks this application, you can find the quickest way from point A to B. What is more, BMW’s direction-finding has upgraded the newest maps, so you are able to be sure that even the freshest streets will be selected by the program. While selecting the way, you can choose if you would like to choose the quickest, cheaper or the most economical road. What is more, if you link the direction-finding to the Internet, it will say you about roads difficulties like: accidents or radars. More?: open in new window
3. Bmw connecteddrive coding – (click here) – it is the 3rd equipment which is worth mentioning. It is an equipment dedicated to people who like Internet and like share things with their friends. The equipment provides you possibility to keep in touch with your Facebook’s, Twitter’s pals all the time because it is integrated with your cell. Next helpful equipment is able to be datebook – the equipment will help you to run your company from your auto or you will in no way put out of your mind about your date!