Improving percentage of people these days tend to be interested in obtaining their own automobile. It is a sign related to very rapid improvement of the field of automotive & transport. Thanks to it we, the buyers, are contemporarily provided with great range of different vehicles that differ from size, technical parameters as well as price. This indicates that almost everyone can find something almost designed for him, which is a pretty positive tendency.
Having a car then extends our possibilities, as thanks to it we are likely to inter alia drive every day to our work, to the university as well as visit other places that can be really attractive for example from touristic point of view.
Another reason why is it advised to have an automobile is that there are not only more and more roads, but also their standard improves very rapidly. We can observe then on the example of developing percentage of countries that despite the airplane, driving an automobile is the most comfortable solution for tourists.
Besides, it provides us an opportunity to live even 100 kilometers from the place we work in. If our home is connected with a bigger city we are employed in with a motorway, we can be ascertained that we will reach our target even faster than in one hour. This is something pretty attractive and positive in the field of analyzing pros and cons of improvement of automotive & transport industry. Nevertheless, as it has already been analyzed in the top, there are also negative sides of such a development, which is connected with the fact that driving a car is referred to bringing harm to the environment.
The sphere of ecology is more and more frequently analyzed by miscellaneous specialists, which implies that in the future we are very likely to observe that the cars would become increasingly eco-friendly. This will make automotive & transport less dangerous industry for the state of the Earth.