This generally proves that people, who have right to make decisions in this field ought to be able to think quite quickly and combine diverse facts so that their choices will improve the probability of achieving a settlement with as high profits rate as possible. In addition, we should also not forget that concerning for example trade we ought to also remember that this field still develops, which indicates that there is no possibility to learn everything connected with this area. Consequently, we should remember even in case of the most hard negotiations that every negotiator has weak points.
Nevertheless, the more experience he has, the more time it takes to recognize them. Consequently, an interesting practice can be to learn diverse tactics. The awareness of them may helps us to react in unpredicted situations.
Taking everything into consideration, achieving good results of the negotiations and, hence, making the trade more beneficial for us, is connected with, first and foremost, improvements of the negotiating skills. This proves that it is not only recommended to develop them in practice by playing different case studies, but also to learn diverse tactics from books.
In most cases they are written by specialists in this area, which implies that they also provide various examples of how to make use of them in practice and, inter alia, how to defend from them.