This kind activities have already achieved some good results, as there are more and more things done in order to decrease the emission of previously presented gases. Furthermore, the improvement of the technology allows us to hope that in the future maybe we will only use inter alia electrical vehicles, which would mean that the gases would no longer be emitted by the automobiles on globe!
On the other side, it is not as easy as it seems. Not only does this mean high investment costs, but also we should not forget that this kind products are pretty demanding to enter the market, as still the most influential enterprises in the sector step up their efforts in terms of lobbying not to lose their strength.
As a result, all of the enterprises that would like to revolutionize the automotive & transport industry have an important battle to participate in front of them. On the other side, the price – significantly decreased amount of greenhouse gases is with no doubt worth fighting for. Such a fact implies that we – citizens of our planet are recommended to support such activities in different ways, as it is likely to help us to better care about our planet.