It is implied by the fact that such machine like roof bolter is contemporarily substantially more efficient and safer for employees who are working on it. Similar is also a result of increasing importance of law regulations in the field of safety of people working on diverse machines – aspects of such rapid development of different machines and goods is connected with the fact that the health of people working for example on big heights or noise is substantially better protected. Another interesting fact that is also worth analyzing in terms of positive aspects of above presented processes is that they play a popular role in increasing the competition on diverse markets. Consequently, as competition increases in miscellaneous areas, the corporations, which belongs to them is forced for instance to introduce better commodities on the market. The same concerns roof bolter, which is considered to be increasingly often available in such standard that has never ascertained similar comfort of working.
To conclude, the development of standard of machines such as roof bolter shows that different processes that are believed to have a negative meaning have substantial positive influence in diverse aspects (check ). As a result, it should managed appropriately in order to develop the above mentioned profits, while minimizing the drawbacks at the same time.